Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany

Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany

This 300 year old Black Forest farmhouse in the Blackforest in Southern Germany was renovated with wide plank floors made of French oak by HIRAM Habitat.

Private Residences Kinzigtal, Deutschland

Hardy Happle Architekten


Oak flooring | Treatment Oil "Raw- Wood- Effect"
Solid wood planks | Grading "Country Classic"
28 x 300 mm | 1 - 5 m random lenghted floorboards

Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany

This beautiful farm in the Kinzig valley, in Southern Germany was also restored and modernised in cooperation with architect office Hardy Happle Architekten. The home owners decided to keep a lot of the old elements of the structural part of the house. The old floor was replaced with solid wide planks made of French oak.

The companies involved in the construction as well as Hiram are founding members of the "Bauwerk Schwarzwald" association, a centre of excellence for Black Forest architecture, crafts and design. The principle idea is to promote regional building and craft culture and to serve as a contact point for all those who are committed to preserving and passing on knowledge and cultural assets in building, craft and design.

Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany
Auf insgesamt zwei Stockwerken wurden massive Eiche Dielen in 30 cm Deckbreite verlegt. Die bis zu 5 m langen Dielen wurden in kürzeren Räumen auf ganzer Länge verlegt.
Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany
Moderne Einrichtungsgegenstände und eine originale Schwarzwälder Kuckucksuhr - Die Kombination des ursprünglichen und modernen Schwarzwaldes erfuhr in vielen Privathäusern, Restaurant und Hotels im Schwarzwald eine Renaissance.
""...therefore the noble wooden floorboards were virtually predestined for the proud farmhouse"."

Hardy Happle, CEO Hardy Happle Architekten

Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany
Die Eiche Dielen wurden mit einem "Rohholzeffekt"- Öl behandelt. Der Dielenboden wurde nach der Verlegung geschliffen und dreimal mit dem Öl behandelt.
Farmhouse, Blackforest, Germany
Die alten Holzbalken wurden in aufwändiger Arbeit abgebürstet. Zwischenwände, die irreparabel waren, wurden mit Tannenholz aus dem anliegenden Wald ersetzt.