The Importance of PEFC-Certified Materials: Plank Floors as a Sustainable Flooring Option

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In today’s construction practices, the sustainable origin of materials is a key concern. Sustainability aspects are becoming increasingly important when it comes to choosing and using wooden or plank flooring. Architects and planners face the challenge of finding environmentally friendly solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Sustainability certifications play a crucial role in helping to select the right materials while also taking on ecological and social responsibility.

In this blog post, we explain the standards behind PEFC and the benefits that certified wood products offer.


Why Are Sustainability Certifications Important?

Certifications such as the PEFC certificate provide a trustworthy framework to ensure that materials come from sustainable sources. They represent responsible forest management and guarantee that the wood for products comes from forests that meet specific ecological, social, and economic standards.

Regular audits are part of the certification process, ensuring that the entire supply chain is managed responsibly. This not only guarantees the quality of plank flooring but also ensures compliance with legal requirements and international standards.

Benefits for Architects and Planners

Sustainability certifications are highly valuable for architects and planners. Here are some of the key advantages when selecting sustainable plank flooring:

1. Reliable Information: Certifications provide architects and designers with the knowledge needed to make informed choices about sustainable materials for their projects. They offer clear information about the origin and environmental standards of plank flooring.

2. Quality Assurance: Certified products undergo rigorous inspections. This means that certified plank flooring is generally of high quality and meets the demands of modern construction projects.

3. Promoting Sustainability: The use of certified materials helps promote responsible forestry, benefiting future generations. Architects and planners have the opportunity to actively contribute to the preservation of forests and biodiversity.


What is the PEFC seal and what standards are behind the certification?

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) is the world’s largest independent certification system for sustainable forestry. Wood products bearing the PEFC seal are proven to come from ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable forest management. In practice, sustainable forestry under PEFC standards means:

  • Ensuring that no more wood is harvested than can naturally regrow in the forest. Forest owners and experts foster the development of climate-resilient forests, contributing significantly to climate protection.
  • Sustainable forestry not only protects bodies of water, drinking water resources, and soils, but also improves air quality and helps mitigate climate change.
  • Important habitats within forests, such as deadwood that serves as a home for rare species of plants and animals, are preserved. During logging, care is taken to avoid damage to neighboring trees and the soil.
  • Forests are not converted into plantations, and genetically modified trees are not planted.
  • The highest safety standards for forestry workers are a top priority, as well as the protection of workers’ rights, including fair wages.
  • Special attention is given to the social needs and rights of people living in or around the forests.
  • Certified forestry ensures that the valuable raw material, wood, comes from legal and sustainable sources, with full traceability.


Our Commitment to Sustainability

We use only wood from sustainably managed forests for our wooden floorboards, as confirmed by the PEFC certificate. This certification applies to our sawn timber, as well as our solid wood and three-layer planks, all of which are offered as sustainable wood flooring.

We are convinced that the use of certified materials makes an important contribution to creating environmentally friendly and sustainable construction projects. By choosing plank flooring made from PEFC-certified wood, you not only enhance the quality of your project but also consider ecological factors.


Using sustainably certified materials is a crucial step towards environmentally conscious construction. Architects and planners who opt for PEFC-certified wood products can be confident that they are making responsible decisions that benefit both the environment and society.